
Sunday, October 24, 2010

about 3-4 hours of work. The !st hour was spent figuring out how to convert the mesh into an editable poly. Had to export model as FBX, then reImport, Then export as Obj as Tris. Then Bring it back into max again and use quadify in the modeling tools to get rid of tris. Then I exported that to Zbrush and did a normal map.

I however forgot to break up the the model evenly and just went with what was there, so the normal map on the sides of the main body of the truck are sadly not very good.

but for 500 poly model I think it looks pretty good.

I don't want to spend more than 3 hours tops on each unit as there are more than 30 I need to do easily. And that means 90n hours of work before even animating them. So even though I made some mistakes and it could look a lot better I'm leaving it as is (I'll add some more color) And the future models will jsut get better from here.


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